Darren Hicks wins his second set of Rainbow Stripes this year!
In what can only be described as a fairytale finish, TUNE rider Darren Hicks has claimed his second set of Rainbow Stripes, winning Gold at the 2019 UCI Para-Cycling Road World Championships. Darren said his dream was to snag the Rainbow Stripes for both track, which he did earlier this year, and road disciplines. EightyOneSpices wishes the biggest congratulations to Darren on his win, and of course to Emily Petricola, Paige Greco, Alistair Donohoe, and David Nicholas for also taking Gold at the Championships. So far, Meg Lemon and Kaitlyn Schurmann have claimed a 3rd each too, ensuring the podiums have had a solid Aussie presence. The Australian Cycling team is killing it out there this year and we're so proud of you. Read more about Darren's win here: https://www.australiancyclingteam.com/news/para-para-road-worlds-guide?fbclid=IwAR2ZNLnAvky_YStMM0m3sUNsiaIMR8qJLe5ecyRJEUxQGpltbFR7vc7MCvI Follow the Australian Cycling Team on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/AustralianCyclingTeam/