Tunes cheaper Hub, the Mig 70 is as durable and individual as Tunes best hubs, weighing in at just 71grams.
They mill and laser the body in Buggingen and manually mount identical bearings and seals.
Tune ensures the same service and confirm this hub is for every riders weight.
You can determine the colour of the components and number of spokes. You can also select suitable spokes and rims for a light, long-living and individual front wheel.
The Mig 70 can be used for several different rims.
Tune Mig 70
$155.80 Regular Price
$148.01Sale Price
Colour: Black
Körper Aluminium Achse Aluminium, Ø 17 mm Herstellverfahren CNC-gedrehte Flansche, Hülse nahtlos gezogenes Alurohr Lochzahlen 20, 24, 28, 32 (bis 28 Loch Radialspeichnung möglich!) Einbaubreite 100 mm Lagerung 2 Rillenkugellager Dichtung doppelt schleifend gedichtet Spannmethode Schnellspanner. Klemmfrei auch bei härtester Einspannung Lochkreis Ø 37,5mm Flanschabstand von Felgenmitte (l/r) 35,2mm / 35,2mm